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Wonderful to know that my stress buster is a very common tools for almost 70% of the people. And this is called Retail Therapy. Let me explain in detail, shopping is a most common tool, people consciously or unconsciously use to get relief of stress. Generally, it's found that people ( not only women) do comfort shopping under stress and sometimes unwanted stuff as well. Results could be mismanagement of the funds but I believe it would still be cheaper than the psychiatrist. Or you may fix a budget for the same and make a fund for yourself, which can be spent under stress. I feel, since long, that this is the most weird thing I can do, as never find anybody around me, like me. But thanks to Google, you just think of the idea and it will give you all the history and all the researches on the same. Now you clear all your doubts. And mind it, it could be any of your habit and majority of the people will be like you. You may not feel that you are that ...